Table of Contents

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(Future Articles are in Black, Uploaded Articles are Links in Blue.)

(When you open an Article, notice the "printer-friendly version" button in the upper-right corner of the page. Feel free to print a project so that you can take it to the shop to refer to as you work.)

(This is obviously an evolving section. If you want info on a subject not uploaded yet, just ask about it in the Forum. Someone will have some experience to share on the subject.)


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Introduction to Fireworking

Fireworking 101: Beginner's Comprehensive Course in Fireworking

Fireworking 201: Intermediate Course in Fireworking

Fireworking 301: Advanced-Intermediate Course in Fireworking

Fireworking 401


Safety and Legality (You know, these articles make great Bathroom Reading Material)

Fireworks Types, What do we want to make? The following device type sections are organized, with individual device projects, below:

  • Novelty Items
  • Ground Devices
  • Mid-Level Devices
  • Rockets
  • Aerial Shells

Beginner Fireworking, Turbo-Pyro


Basic Processes




Black Powder, the foundation of fireworks, simple and complex



Novelty Items

Ground Devices

Stars and Garnitures

Mid-Level Devices

Rockets, Girandolas, Tourbillions

Aerial Fireworks Shells

Fireworks Displays; Planning and Setting-Up

  • Electric Firing, Planning and Systems

Class C (1.4g) Fireworks

  • Using 1.4g Fireworks safely and creatively

Recommended Reading

Photographing and Videoing Fireworks

My Favorite Quote