If you've ever asked these questions, this is a good place for you.
The "Fireworking 101" tab is open to the public, and shows the type of tutorials that are available to subscribers.
Fireworking: Where Serious Fireworkers Hang Out.
Join Fireworking for $50/Year. Fireworks Project Plans, Discussion Group, Formula Database, Market Full of Supplies and Resources.
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And, if you'd like to pay with a check, money-order, or cash, just contact me at ned@fireworking.com and we'll work something out.
If you click on this link, you can have a free sample of the types of detailed tutorials that are on Fireworking, with this beginner's project; "Making Fairy-Fountains". Below is an accompanying video for that project:
NOTE!! If you click on the Forum tab above the photos, you can peruse the topics we discuss, but you can not see the number of posts or their content. To actually see that content, and to participate in the Forum, please subscribe. The Forum is really hopping, with lots of conversations and good input from lots of great pyros.
As of 9/10/23, there are about 18,400 topics being discussed, with about 382,000 posts in the Forum, made by over 3050 subscribers over the years. There are currently 950 members participating.
The Articles tab will allow you to see the Table of Contents of all the existing and planned articles, which represent an evolving book on fireworking.
Additionally, when you are subscribed and logged-in, a full array of resources, per the tabs illustrated below, becomes available. In the Market, buyers and sellers can find each other. We have a Formula database and a Wiki selection of the most useful posts from the Forum.
What Some Subscribers are Saying:
"Hi Ned, I flippin *LOVE* to come to this site......built the Large Ball mill....thank you so much! Wes"
"You have joined the best site on the net. Great folks!! Great Jokes!! And a treasure chest of information. Welcome. Gregg"
"I continue to appreciate your 'gentleman's' handling of some of the terse comments that occasionally spring up, and the overall professional demeanor of your site. You have attracted a real community of professionals, amateurs, noobies (like me), et.al., that I thoroughly enjoy following. Your butt has to be dragging at times keeping up with all this! Congratulations on a job well done and continuing well done. Doc"
"Hello, ned. Just wanted to tell you what an EXCELLENT website this is!!! Thanks. Dave"
"You've got a great forum going here Ned. You deserve a lot of credit for setting the proper tone to the discussions. Plus, your tutorials are just excellent. Jim"
"There is an endless supply of knowledge on this site and a group of people that are willing to share it. For me it was the best $$ I spent on this hobby. Gregg"
"Yes i must say from my heart ned has done an awsome job with this site i love it...;)and his many years of experience in fireworking he has only been too kind to help me along with other members, i only wish i came across this site sooner than later,i love all the knowledge you guys have especially the veteran pyros and hope its still running years to come as im in it for the long run and would really be a bummer if it closed down...all good though keep up the good work ned your the yoda of fireworking.. to make it you will the force will take care of the rest mmmmmmmmlol...." From Duff
In Greek mythology, Prometheus stole Fire from the Gods, and gave it to mankind. For this theft, he was severely punished.
Fire was considered to be among the most precious of gifts.
The ability to Work with Fire, to mold and control it, is therefore a high skill.
The Japanese term for fireworks, Hanabi, means “Flowers of Fire”.
To create a Beautiful Flower from Fire, and to awe an audience with it - how the heck is that done?
Over 20 years ago, for some reason, that question came to my mind. “How do they do that? How do they make that ‘thing’ rise into the sky, and then burst forth into that Beautiful Flower?”
Ever since, I’ve been on a quest to discover how fireworks are made, and to become a fireworker. It’s not that I couldn’t do anything else; I just simply “couldn’t do anything else." For some reason, it was in my blood.
Fireworks - are they an Art Form, or an expression of Science, or a Technological feat?
Fireworking - is it an Artistic expression, Scientific exploration, or the development of a Craft?
A Fireworker - an Artist, Scientist, or Craftsman?
I’d simply answer an emphatic “Yes” to all those ponderings.
We fireworkers entertain audiences, and ourselves, with a form of Performance Art. We explore nature with Scientific experiments. And we learn the dirty, sweaty, Technical skills necessary to do all of that.
Inside Fireworking.com, I’ll be relating bits and pieces of my story of fireworking during the past twenty years, what I do to make particular devices, and how they worked. Others will be sharing their tips in articles, and we’ll create a Forum in which everyone can share their stories and questions and answers.
And a note on my personal style. I won't be telling you that any one of my techniques is "the only way" or "the best way" to do something, or to make a particular device. We fireworkers love to experiment, and to develop our own personal methods and effects. More power to us as we do so. We are the fireworking Hobbyists, and usually not professionals bent on turning out the same device, over and over.
The contents of Fireworking.com are copyrighted by Fireworking.com, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
Ned’s Note:The only way I can afford to produce information of the kind included on this website is if I can find ways to be paid for my time and effort. If prohibited copies of works like this are distributed, without me being compensated for the work involved in its production, I’ll just have to find other ways to make a living. So, if you value information like this, please respect my copyright rights. Thanks, Ned.
Statement of Non-Liability
The manufacture, assembly, and discharge of pyrotechnic devices is beyond the control of the contributors of information on this site. Such activities should be undertaken only after proper study and training. The information herein is for the general knowledge and entertainment of subscribers. Fireworking.com and its contributors assume no liability for the accuracy of the information contained herein, and each of them disclaims any responsibility for any loss or injury occasioned by any use of that information.
Hey, let’s face it, fireworking exposes one to certain hazards. Anyone undertaking this craft assumes the responsibility of doing so. I don’t know you, and I don’t know if you can pursue any of these activities legally or safely. If you do so, you accept that responsibility.
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